Bahrain logistics CO is 19th fired this year - Navy News | News from Afghanistan & Iraq - Navy Times
I certainly do not want to paint the Navy with a broad brush here...but this is why military leaders--particularly offiers and NCOs--need to be value driven down to their very core.
Regardless of the circumstances involved, I can assure you that this officer lost his position of authority due to a lack of values, or a temporary breach in his value system. It would appear that the Navy is having a tough go as of late, with 19 officers losing command over their failings this year alone.
Truthfully, we all make mistakes. All of us. Sometimes the ramifications of those mistakes are more serious than at other times. When one is placed in command, and responsible for the health, welfare, and safety of people, and the fiscal stewardship over the nation's resources, the price of failure can be very it should be.
The men and women we place in these positions need to hold firm to the value systems that the services hold dear. The Army has laid out their values, and I'm sure the Navy, Air Force and Marines have done the same, but it takes a steadfast commitment to those values to ensure the responsibilities of command are met.
Pray for our leaders, and that God will raise up the next generation of morally straight and value-driven men and women to lead our armed forces in defense of this great nation.
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