First came news of CNN commentator Roland Martin. Roland Martin is not on my list of admired people. Frankly, I think it's safe to say we are diametrically opposed to each other on views of politics. Except perhaps in one area...freedom of opinion and speech.
You may have heard this: CNN is being called upon to terminate Roland's association with the news channel. Why? Because on Super Bowl Sunday, he tweeted this:
"If a dude at your Super Bowl party is hyped about David Beckham's H&M underwear ad, smack the ish out of him! #superbowl"
The organization known as GLAAD, immediately responded to the tweet, demanding Roland's head. Apparently, in the clairvoyant interpretations of the victimized/victim pandering group, this tweet represented a gay slur, and must be dealt with. Severly! Now! No mercy; we know exactly what he meant and his intentions behind it!
So, bending to the pressure, CNN dutifully submits.
After being sufficiently cowed, even Roland submitted and acquiesed to the PC Gods--regretting offense, yet still insisting it was not a gay slur. I don't think they believe him...because they know. Oh, yes, they know exactly what he was thinking.
Then consider this...the victimology brigade also knows exactly why those Marines were thinking when they posed with that awful "SS" banner. They're actually NAZIs! Yes, Nazis, in the USMC, and we give those awful neanderthal men guns...with bullets, and they use kill "Jews, gypsies, and others."
As it more benignly turns out, the group in the picture are all Marine Scout Snipers. SS= Scout Snipers. It was a group picture of the Marines while they served in Afghanistan. It was a picture, taken as units have done since the camera was invented, by a bunch of guys who wanted to commemorate their time in service together. A reminder of their bond forged in blood and sacrifice.
But that doesn't matter to victim group Military Religious Freedom Foundation, who promptly demanded the group's punishment.
Puh-leeze... Ok, so maybe the guys are a little historically color blind. Maybe they should have been a bit more savvy, understanding that such imagery is potentially charged with meaning. But let's not pretend that we can prescribe an alternate meaning to every little thing. Not every little image needs to be hyper-scrutinized in order to see how a group can be offended.
It's maddening, and a bit sad. This is what we've come to.
This is not a left-right issue. It's a freedom issue. It's a mind-your-own-business issue. It's a keep-your-un-Constitutional-demands-for-thought-police-to-yourself issue.
Roland--don't give in! USMC--thanks for not giving in! The more we give in, the more these faux advocacy groups wrest power from the people, subjugating us to PC and all of its evil machinations.
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