08 September 2011


Jobless claims rise unexp...er, um...I mean, who could have guessed?

I've been wondering about this for a while...what kind of idiots do we have running our economic health in this country, if after every bit of economic news comes the admission that "experts" were surprised by how bad the news turns out to be?

Why can't these people have a better grasp on reality? Isn't it their job to know these things? or, at least be in the ballpark?

Is it the news media that's always surprised?--yes and no. The hardcore leftists in the bunch are probably genuinely surprised that current policies aren't working as they expect them to.

The mid-level lefties in the media only use the word "unexpected" as a cover for Pres. Obama. It's a way of telling the readers, "Hey, it was out of his control. No one knew that was coming. You can't blame him for this crazy bit of economic news!"


How about some other "UN..." words like:

UNBELIEVABLE...that you in the media think we're stupid enough to believe this claptrap again.

UNSCRUPULOUS....media are failing at their essential watch dog role for our society by covering for an elected official they share a political allegiance with.

UNEMPLOYED...which is what 9.1% of Americans are right now, despite promises that "stimulus" actions would prevent us from going over 9%.

UNELECTABLE...he never was and he still isn't, but we as a nation were too foolish to figure that out. There's always next time.

1 comment:

    Also, glad you're blogging again! Loved the fight training video. Sent the link to Adam and Eric. Will send to more friends later.
    Take care because we love you and your family! I pray for you and all your military buddies every night. Tell Katie hi!
    Love, deb
