03 July 2009

Worth Fighting For

Last night I took two of my boys and wife to post for another Twilight Tattoo. (My third son was still at church camp) It's Independence Day weekend, and the tattoo was a great way to start off the festivities.

The tattoo again featured the band, a division history display, and plenty of Soldiers on the field in historical and modern uniforms. The jumbotron displayed videos played in synch with the band's music, and there was a howitzer firing battery who effectively punctuated the tunes to great effect. It was a thrilling, chest-pumping, get-out-of-your-seat dose of American and Army pride. I loved it.

The commanding general took about five minutes to speak. I wish I could say I had something to do with his speech, but alas, he writes his own. That's a good thing, because he's a master of oral communication.

I've attached a video I took of his speech. I think people should hear, from the perspective of a Soldier, what the Army is about and why we are here. These tattoos are his brainchild and I give him all the credit for making these events happen. (forgive my cinemetography--I didn't have a tripod and I was using my new Zi6 for the first time)

We're having one more tattoo before we leave for Iraq. I suspect it will be in September some time. Be sure that I will report back to you about it.

Also...Ben was named the runner-up camper of the week! In practical terms it means we get a 50% discount on camp next year. In terms that matter, it means that Ben experienced God in a new, real way and others saw His light shining through my precious son. It was an answer to our prayers that he had a fulfilling and meaningful week.

I asked him how the week went. He replied,"I had fun. Oh, and I grew closer to God." Nothing could be better than that.

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