The Shoulder Sleeve Insignia (SSI) is part of this stuff. Oh, and we like acronyms too. The SSI is worn on both the left and possibly the right shoulder of the ACU (Advanced Combat Uniform, duh!) The uniform regulation says you have to wear the SSI of the unit you are currently a part of on the left sleeve. The right sleeve is reserved for the patch of the unit you have deployed with in combat.
Before 9/11 rarely did you see people with the right sleeve SSI, or "combat patch". The Gulf War in 1991 was the last time it was doled out, so by 2001, not too many people had it.
9/11 changed all that, and now everyone has it. So much so, if you see someone in uniform without a unit patch on their right shoulder you catch yourself wondering, "Where's that knucklehead been hiding out all this time that he hasn't deployed yet?"
I am authorized to wear the patch of the 101st Airborne Division, "Screaming Eagles", for my last deployment in 2005-2006. I am proud of my time with that unit and I generally think the 101st patch is one of the coolest looking patches in the Army.
Now that I'm here with the 3rd Infantry Division, I am now authorized to wear the Marne Division Patch on my right sleeve. Technically I can only wear one at a time on my right sleeve, so I have to choose. The commander is famous for saying, "Love the one you're with." So, I am proudly wearing the patch of the mightly 3rd ID.
We had a patch ceremony not too long ago to kind of reinforce that tradition of the right sleeve SSI. Maj. Gen. Cucolo did an awesome job as usual delivering a speech that lasered in on what it means to be a part of this division, to serve, to serve voluntarily in a time of war, and to be here and now with the Marne Division.
He honored me by "patching" my right shoulder with the familiar blue and white diagonal striped patch. I can honestly say I am proud to wear it, and proud to be a part of this storied division. Me and Audie Murphy. (If you don't know who that is, look it up, you'll be a better person for it.)